Stretch Mark and Scar Reduction

You've used creams, lotions, gels, and oils. Nothing appears to get rid of the stretch marks and scars on your body. Now is the time to think about laser therapy.

Laser therapy reduces the appearance of scars by making use of concentrated wavelengths of light to slough off the skin's top layer uncovering new healthy cells.

Stretch Mark Removal


This radiofrequency skin treatment results in enhanced connectivity and contraction of tissue under the skin's surface by stimulating collagen remodeling, fibroblast stimulation and increasing elastin. Thus reducing the appearance of striae or stretch marks.

Scar Removal

Scars treated with lasers look less noticeable. It makes use of concentrated laser therapy to either scrape off the skin's top layer or to encourage the growth of fresh skin cells to cover unhealthy ones.

Image by Aiony Haust