With 16 years of experience in obstetrics and gynecology, I have been able to provide care to women of all ages, backgrounds and experience. My dedication to this has allowed me to truly see the beauty we all possess and how bringing our inner strength, resilience and confidence to the surface can allow us to shine. I am passionate about not only listening, but also truly hearing the concerns and goals of my clients at Hibiscus and Honey. When we initiate a treatment plan, we wish to aid you in identifying an issue of concern and achieving your goals through the appropriate laser treatment.
Our medical and aesthetic laser services including IPL (intense pulse light) and radiofrequency laser addresses a variety of age-related and other skin concerns including hyperpigmentation, acne, redness, and rosacea, wrinkles, skin laxity, and sun damage. Our IPL treatments can reverse signs of aging. By targeting the bacteria that cause acne, we provide an effective and efficient treatment option without oral or topical medication. Lastly, my background in gynecology has inspired me to provide non-hormonal treatment options for women’s intimate health. Addressing vaginal dryness, dyspareunia (painful intercourse), vaginal laxity, and urinary incontinence.
At Hibiscus and Honey, we seek to promote self-care, confidence, and self-love. Come and see us. Set up an appointment or schedule a free consultation today.